Who Am I?

I wish I had an answer to that question. I am still searching. But on that seeker’s journey, I have come to know who I am not, along with many other facets of what makes me, well – me!

Hence by simple deduction, if I remove who I am not, then what remains is who I am. But what remains still doesn’t reach the depths of an accurate representation of the complexities of what this mind-body phenomena is.

Some time back, when asked the same question, my philosophically analytical answer was this:

“I am a conglomeration of stardust, in the form of carbon atoms, held together in an energetic force-field, governed by an awareness without known limits; hanging on through a connection termed ‘gravity’, to an irregularly shaped ellipsoid rock hurtling at an incredible speed through empty space circling around a burning ball of fire situated in a soup of stars located somewhere in a huge fabric of innumerable such soups, existing without known reason!”

The above answer, though factually correct, is very generic and can apply to any other conscious carbon life forms on this planet. It also just deals with the physical; barely raising deeper questions about the metaphysical. The true answer, in my opinion, lies in the unseen realm – of the mind, feelings, emotions and thoughts. For now though, I will let you create a mental image of me based on what you will read in this page to satisfy your inquisitiveness… till you meet me in person. And if you have already met me in person, you have a mental image of me – which, for what it is worth, is just a mere fractional representation of who I truly am.